
Thursday, October 17, 2013

My Little Raccoon Puppy

If you are a friend on Facebook you have probably heard part of this story.
A couple days ago we were watching TV when I looked over at our little dog, Bailee, and noticed something odd.

This is her cute little face normally. I love this pup!
It looked like she had been punched in the left eye.
All around her eye was swollen and you could really see her white skin under her black fur
I thought maybe she had something in her eye and had Jeff take a look.
We couldn't see anything and decided just to watch her
After a couple hours we realized both eyes were getting swollen and the left one was a lot worse
This was when I first noticed both eyes were swollen.
Jeff kept calling her his little raccoon puppy. Poor dog.
She was acting her normal hyper self.
We even went to the park and played fetch until they were both worn out.
Before we left Jeff gave her a Benadryl
We were used to doing this, since Oakley has major skin allergies in the Spring
A couple hours went by and it seemed like it was getting even worse
So I took to the internet to look at different causes and asked our dog friends for advice
I called the vet to get advice and see if they were still open she was turning off the phones as I called
She told me just to keep on the Benadryl to make it through the night and then if needed come in the morning
Around this time Jeff found the remnants of the first Benadryl on the kitchen floor, little stink
We gave her another Benadryl, making sure she actually ate it

You can tell it was getting worse and looked like fluid around the eye.
{Sorry bad picture, these were taken with my phone and she wiggles a lot}

 I was really worried, because I couldn't think of anything that she could have come in contact with out of the ordinary.
I started wondering if one of the other dogs in our community gave her something
Needless to say I treat my dogs like my babies and I was freaking out. Google didn't help either
We bought some eye drops for her and hoped that she'd get better
Though I couldn't tell if the Benadryl was helping at all
We went to bed and hoped for the best.
Throughout the night Bailee threw up a couple times.
Which is not something she has ever done
Her swelling had gone down and by morning it was almost completely gone.
Throughout the next day she acted normal, except she threw up about 3-4 times
She still was eating, drinking, and playing like normal
Vet's advice to fast for 12 hours and then for the following 12 hours only give small amounts of rice and boiled chicken.
We also continued the Benadryl for the next 24 hours to prevent any other complications.

Probable Diagnosis: bug bite or allergic reaction
Since we hadn't given her anything new or changed anything in our home I believe a bug bite
Since we moved back to Bountiful I have been traumatized by spiders
 I am terrified of them and they are everywhere. We see big ones at least every other day
Bountiful equals the land of the Spiders
I believe that my sweet little dog has now been attacked by one of these spiders.

Happy to have my little dog back to normal!


  1. Oh my goodness I get so upset when something is wrong with my dog. I am sure you probably read about her eye surgery... and then her re-scratching her eye a year later. Holy cow it just breaks my heart when she is hurt! I can totally empathize and I'm glad she is back to normal! P.S. we are dealing with horrible allergies as well - she has had them year-round since she was a baby. We've tried everything - fish oil, Benadryl, vitamin E, medicated shampoo... it all helps minimally. Suddenly, dogs everywhere seem to be having this allergy problem. What is going on!!??

  2. How is your cute puppy doing? Is her eye back to normal? It breaks my heart too at some points I wanted to cry for her, which my husband thought I was crazy for. Since I don't have kids, my dogs are my babies. Is her allergies on her skin? We really haven't found much that works, Benadryl just seems like it temporary relief, but doesn't fix anything. Oakley will just chew at his skin until he gets bald spots,so my goal is to make it so that doesn't happen at least. We have had to buy that bitter yuck stuff to spray on his legs to keep him from chewing them. Poor pup. I don't know I feel bad for him though.


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