Monday, August 30, 2010

Puppy Crazy

Anyone who knows me knows that I absolutely LOVE puppies. Jeff bought me a sweet little lab puppy when we were down in Cedar City. I was so excited that the place I lived allowed me to have a pet and I was in heaven. Sadly, I was forced to move back to Centerville and where I moved the people are very allergic to dogs. I had to give up my sweet little puppy to a cute family with 3 boys. I know she is happy and they were getting an amazing and really smart dog. Her name is Sammie and I miss her everyday.

Always ready to play
She was kinda a wimp when it came to water... weird for a lab.
However... she loved to attach the sprinklers!

Jeff and I always say the first thing we are going to do when we get married is to get another puppy. It might not happen right away depending on where we find to live, but I personally can't wait to have another puppy. I found this really cute puppy on the internet and it inspired me to get this puppy next.

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Time of Change and New Beginnings

Things just get better and better. Jeff was recently approached with a promotion and I'm so proud of him. He will be a new restorative aid! Basically, he goes around to all the rooms in the hospital and helps the patients muscles. Jeff has wanted to get into physical therapy for years and years and this is a great move towards that. I am so proud of him and it is just proof of what a hard worker he is. A restorative aid is a coveted position and he got it! Congratulations honey! Now Jeff's work schedule is that he works four days a week, two twelve hour days and two eight hour days. His school schedule was really hard to work out this semester because of the twelve hour days. However, we made it work with really long classes (three hours at a time for three of his classes). Fortunately, we have a class together twice a week which will make it a little easier...hopefully.

I'm really close to graduating and starting my student teaching!! I'm really excited to almost be done with school and get to start my hours in a real classroom. I have spent hours volunteering in Kelly Foster's kindergarten classroom last semester and I plan to continue this semester. However, I'm not exactly excited for my classes this semester. I learned that you shouldn't procrastinate classes you don't want to take, because then you have to take them all in one semester. Plus I have 11 hour days Tuesdays and Thursdays at school, which is going to be a struggle. Oh laptop isn't working, because of some failed part. Now I'm without my laptop for up to four weeks and with two online classes this would be a horrible situation. Fortunately, Jeff is a sweetheart and let me have his computer while I wait for mine to be fixed.

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Secret Romanic Side

Last night Jeff and I had plans to go out to the college to clear up some last minute things. Jeff, however, had other plans in mind. When I got to his house Jeff told me to close my eyes as he walked me into the kitchen. Jeff had made an amazing candlelight dinner. He made marinaded salmon, grilled shrimp, grilled squash and red peppers, garlic rice, and a nice salad. He is such an amazing man and has been secretly developing this romantic side. He was so worried I would think it was cheesy and laugh at him. I love that man.

Friday, August 13, 2010

Trying to Learn to Dance in the Rain

Recently, I was faced with a major trial in my life and the hardest part about it was that it isn't something I could have prevented or stopped. Even now that I know how to fix the problem it comes at a cost and I'm not quite sure the entire effect it will have on my future. Anyone who really knows me is that I let my emotions get the best of me. This situation was no exception to that. However, I had an amazing group of people to support me and let me know that everything would be alright.

Jeff is my rock. He is always there when I need him most and to hold me and tell me he'll do whatever it takes to make everything right. I don't know what I ever did to have someone as amazing as him love me and just want to make everything better. What he doesn't understand is that just him being in my life makes any challenge worth the battle.

There's a sign hanging in the Foster's computer room that really gives me motivation right now.
I have had a mindset that I need to continue to fight and wait for the next trial to come and have to fight through it. As I get older I have come to realize there will always be trials, but it makes us stronger and makes the happy times mean more. I will continue to fight, but enjoy the battle more. I know that I can't be stubborn and not ask for help when I need it. I know that I have people in my life that I can lean on for support. I am more than thankful and I love them all.

Thursday, August 12, 2010

A Two Week Summer

In an attempt to get college finished as soon as possible I decided to attend summer semester this year. I started the semester out with 20 credits and quickly decided that was too much to handled for such a short semester, so I ended up taking 12 credits this semester. Right when my spring semester ended summer semester started, even though technically there was a two week break. However, when you are getting student teaching hours in for summer semester, you actually have to get those hours in BEFORE the semester even starts.

Now that summer semester ends I finally get to have a break from school and enjoy the summer, even if it is for a very short amount of time. This week I went up to an information meeting for my degree at Weber State and spent the rest of the day with my two best friends hanging out at the pool. It was a perfect day extremely hot, but with a constant breeze. I did get a little sunburned, but thankfully not too bad. We are really excited this weekend we are going to Echo Reservoir with the singles ward. Jeff's dad is letting us take their boat and tubes. Danielle is coming with and hopefully Ashley can too, even though she isn't in the singles ward. I'll post pictures this weekend, if I remember to take my camera.

Saturday, August 7, 2010

A Reminder Why I am so in Love

Jeff has always been there to support me and to be my rock when I need it most. I honestly can say I do not know what I would do without him, because he is keeps me sane and level headed (most of the time). The other night was just another reminder of why I love him so much. I had been having a horrible day trying to decided to what to do with my work and school schedules for the upcoming semester. I have a class that I have to take and its only offered once a year and I need it for my major. However, my job won't work with my school schedule and I have had to decided what to do. Jeff comforted me and reassured me that school was most important and that I could find another job.

 He knew I had a hard time and was extremely stressed out about the decision and finals for summer semester, so Thursday after work he told me we were going out on a date and to dress nice. He showed up at my house with a bouquet of roses and took me to Corbins, a really nice restraurant in Layton. He then took me to see Charlie St. Cloud, a movie I had wanted to see. It was a great evening and made me feel so much better. I am so lucky and blessed to have him in my life and I just wanted to express some of the reasons I love him so much.
  • I love that we make each other laugh to the point we can't breath
  • He always kisses me goodnight...more than once
  • He love his passion for football, even if it drives me crazy sometimes
  • He is always patient with me
  • He sends me a good morning and I love you text every morning
  • He is always willing to lend a helping hand
  • He is always there to comfort me when I need it the most
  • He has an amazing testimony and belief in our heavenly father
  • He is an awesome cook
  • When he gets this look in his eyes... that he only gets with me
  • He is very laid back
  • Because I know he will be an incredible husband and father
  • He buys me flowers for no reason at all
  • These are the roses he brought over and he had even looked up on the internet how to make them last longer 
  • He never ends a telephone conversation without saying I love you
  • We both get to be goofy together
  • He makes me the happiest person
  • Every night he stays over as late as possible, because he knows I hate when he leaves
  • He is very handsome
  • He is ALWAYS there to support me
  • He cares and loves my family like his own
  • We never really fight, just bicker about stupid things (like a little old couple)
  • He is always trying to be the best he can be
  • He is amazing with kids and can't wait for us to start a family
  • Because I know he loves me more than anything, as I do I
  • And so many other reasons...

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Where Our Story Begins

As a young girl growing up I completely believed in the old, romantic love stories and fairy tales we grow up hearing. I always thought I would find my one true love in some dramatic way that we see in movies and in books. However, it did not happen that way... not even close.

I actually met Jeff when we were both 15. Jeff was a sophomore at Bountiful High and played on the football team. He was known for being crazy and your "typical" teenage boy, not to mention a trouble maker with his friends. He spent his sophomore year going to high school parties, egging, porta-potty tipping (no idea why this is considered fun) and whatever other capers they could find. I was a freshman at South Davis Junior High and spent my school year doing the yearbook and hanging out with friends. I danced at Dance Impressions and that took up a lot of my time outside of school.

Jeff's best friend, Chris, met my best friends Danielle and Makaela in the Spring. Chris had a major crush on Makaela and Jeff was crushing on Danielle. Danielle and I pretty much spent out entire weekends together and one night we were studying for an English test and Jeff called Danielle to hang out. Danielle wasn't by her phone so I answered it pretending to be her, we were often told we sounded alike on the phone. Jeff was trying to get Danielle and Makaela to go to Chris's shop to watch the Notebook (obviously trying to get some bonus points, cause what guys want to watch that movie voluntarily.) I proceeded to tell him who I really was and that we had to study and couldn't go.

Somehow Jeff got my number and a few months later I started getting this random text messages from him and one night he called and wanted to come see me at my house. Thinking how weird that was I said yes, even though I had just gotten into the shower and was getting ready for bed. Jeff and Chris came over and we talked for like a grand total of 10 minutes in my driveway and they left. Nothing special. The next week was Spring break. I had planned to spend the week with my friends, because they're parents were out of town. Jeff called Friday night and wanted to hang out. He was at some random Bountiful High party and wanted us to pick him up, since he couldn't drive ha. We picked him up and right after proceeded to go to A&W where the guy I had liked at the time was working.

After we were left we went to watch a Jeepers Creepers at my friends house. Jeff was a very... forward young man and instantly tried to cuddle with me. I remember thinking he was crazy and weird. Little did I know that after that night we would start dating and end up where we are today: planning a wedding.

P.S. I still think he is a little crazy and weird... just don't tell him. ;-)